This field will vary based on whether you chose IMAP or POP. For more information about how to find your mail servers, see our article: How to Find Your Email’s Incoming and Outgoing Servers

Note that this is not the password for your hosting account. Password: The password for the email address.Email Address: The email address you want to add to the email client.Your Name: This name will display on the email address.On this pop-up, enter the following information: If you have not yet set up Thunderbird with any email account, there will be no sidebar. In the left sidebar, click Local Folders.Go to Applications in Finder and open the Thunderbird application.Not sure what Thunderbird version you're using? See thisThunderbird's tutorial for help. Go to the tutorial that matches your Thunderbird version: Setting up your Email for Thunderbird on Windows

Need to find your email username and other configuration settings? See this knowledge base article. If you need help with the download and installation process, you can find instructions on the Mozilla Thunderbird support page. Thunderbird is Mozilla's free email application that can be downloaded on Windows and Mac.